A Special Message From Pastor Al


Dear Church Family -


Over the past few weeks we’ve been in Hebrews 11, looking at a linage of great men of faith, and I am reminded that we also have a man who is actively modeling great faith in following hard after Jesus. Choosing obedience to Jesus rather than comfort, Pastor Griff has stepped out in faith, following steadfast after Jesus regardless of what others think. We are grateful to have had a pastor like Griff. He is a man who has been relentlessly listening to Jesus and doing what He says. My prayer for myself and for our church is that our lives would be marked by obedience to Jesus, like Pastor Griff’s.

It has been a privilege and joy to serve Jesus alongside Pastor Griff over the past four years. I often reflect on to how sweet and incredible a blessing it has been to be apart of this church. God has used Pastor Griff and Amanda to love and serve my family and I countless times. I am continually strengthened by Jesus through the hand of my dear friend. 

In February Pastor Griff approached me, sensing the Lord calling him to “pass the baton” so to speak, and for me to step in to the role of Lead Pastor. Wanting to be sensitive, patient, and clear about what God was calling me and my family to, and knowing Pastor Griff and his desire to be obedient to Jesus, we sought the face of our Lord in prayer. Additionally, we sought outside council from fellow pastors around the city and in the various church planting networks that we are apart of. We were overwhelmed with affirmation and clarity that we are walking in obedience of The Lord’s call.

This Sunday, we will send off the Griffin’s with great affirmation as they continue in steadfast obedience pursing Jesus and what He has next for their family. So, as we prepare to celebrate what the Griffin family this Sunday, I’d like to turn our attention to Jesus and what continuously compels the Griffin’s to follow Him. 



Jesus was a missionary sent to earth by God The Father to fix what mankind broke and restore man’s broken relationship with God (John 12:44-46). In the same way, we are called to live indigenous lives and dwell amongst our culture to restore all things to God through Jesus Christ (Jeremiah 29:4-7). With this vision in mind, Pastor Griff and his wife Amanda, moved to San Antonio to plant the gospel, which in 2013 resulted in the establishing of The Well Community Church. From the beginning Pastor Griff and Amanda have had a passion for seeing people know and trust Jesus, follow and submit to His word and His ways, and be sent out as missionaries to the city of San Antonio. The Griffin’s lives have been marked with steadfast obedience to Jesus; modeling a true missionary lifestyle. 



On Easter 2014, The Well Community Church publicly launched and began meeting in an abandoned basement of an old church building. It was our first time to have church on Sunday mornings and we were incredibly excited to have a place to call our own. We continued to passionately preach Jesus and invite others know and love Him. We’ve gone from a group of 6 people studying the Bible together in Pastor Griff’s living room to a church now over 120 people who gather each week to worship King Jesus. 



When Pastor Griff and Amanda set out to plant The Well, they did so knowing it was Jesus’ Church. Apostle Paul reminds the church in Corinth that gospel multiplication is all about Jesus (1 Cor 3:1-9). Moving forward we too must remember that this is still Jesus’ Church. So, as we celebrate what God has done in our church through Pastor Griff and his family, let us do so knowing Jesus is the true hero. 

Jesus called and sustained the Griffin’s and will continue to lead and sustain them as the pursue God’s call on their lives. So, let’s celebrate what God has done with great joy and may we also look forward with great anticipation because Jesus said He would build his church and that even the gates of hell could not stop Him (Matthew 16:18).



This Sunday night at 5PM we are having an Appreciation Party for the Griffins. I hope you all can come out to Raymond Rimkus Park and celebrate with us. We are asking that everyone bring something to help with the food. For more information about the party, including what you can bring, please head over to The City, RSVP, and sign up to bring something.