Join Us For CG Boot Camp - Sept. 8-9


The term “community” is a buzz word in our culture today. As Christians we know that we weren’t meant to live life alone, but how is that supposed to work? Should we quit our jobs, live in a commune, and sit around drinking Kombucha while sharing our feelings and talking about life? Or is just going to church on Sundays enough? 


The Bible has a lot to say about how and why God called us to live life together. When we think about community we must first remember that community isn’t about us, it’s about God.  Our foundational reason for why we have Community Groups in our church is to glorify God and proclaim the good news of what Jesus has accomplished on the cross.


By glorifying God we mean reflecting the nature and character of God. The God of The Bible is Trinitarian and the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have eternally existed in relationship with one another as one God in three persons. Because we are created in the image of God, we were made to exist in community. This is why Community Groups are essential to the Christian life. We were built to function in relationship with one another and with God.


CG Boot Camp is a foundational course in community life at The Well.  We will spend a great deal of time talking about what it looks like to be a group of disciples who live life together for the purpose glorifying God and becoming more like Jesus.


CG Boot Camp is for everyone. So whether you’ve been a part of a Community Group for years or just found out there was such a thing, join us on September 8-9 as we dive deeper into how and why we do community at The Well. 


CG Boot Camp will consist of three sessions over the course of the two days. Below is a brief outline of our time spent over Friday & Saturday. 


Friday Night - 7-9pm

- Worship through song

- Session 1 - Theological Foundations for Community


Saturday - 8am-1pm


Breakfast - (Breakfast and snacks provided)


Worship through song 

Session 2 - (We are) Worshipers & Family


Break + Snacks


Session 3 - (We are) Servants & Missionaries


Worship though song