What is Advent?


Advent is a tradition that has developed over the church’s history as time of preparation for Christmas day. Advent is a season in which we focus ourselves on the adoration of Jesus. It is a time of patient waiting and hopeful expectation.  The very word advent literally means—coming. 


Throughout the Old Testament, God was preparing his people for the coming of the Messiah. During the Advent season we remember, we wonder, and we celebrate. We remember the thousands of years God’s people groaned and waited, longing for his salvation. We wonder at the mystery of God’s very own son becoming a humble baby to live among us. We celebrate the fulfillment of all the promises God made by sending his Son, our savior.


From now until Christmas day we want to focus our minds attention and hearts affection to adoring Jesus. This season should be filled with great happiness and joy for the people of God because the waiting is over. Like the Ancient Creed says, “For us and for our salvation” Christ has come! We truly, have the greatest reason to celebrate.


As a child eagerly waits to open their presents on Christmas Day, so we eagerly wait for the return of our Savior, when he will make all things perfect and right, and we will live with Him forever.


Join us each Sunday of this Advent as we seek to stir our affections for Jesus. You can also download our Advent guide that includes daily scripture readings for personal, family, and group devotions at thewellsa.org/advent